Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

Hello, everyone! My name is Hicham. I am currently seeking opportunities to gain practical experience in the field. My passion lies in both Frontend and Backend technologies, and I thoroughly enjoy working with databases, including their design and management.

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The Casas project aims to develop an application for booking rental accommodations and managing property listings. It enables users to search for rentals, add favorites, handle bookings, and manage their own properties. The technology stack includes Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, Mongo Atlas, and Next Auth for authentication and authorization

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Prisma
  • Mongo Atlas
  • Next Auth

Jewelry Store

An e-commerce website for selling products online. Users can browse products, add them to their cart, and place orders. The backend is developed using Node.js and Express, while the database is managed by MySQL. The frontend is designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for a responsive and attractive user interface.

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap


A movie rental website that allows users to browse a vast collection of films and search by film category or name. The application uses ASP.Net Core, Entity Framework 6 for SQL Server database management.

  • ASP.Net Core
  • MVC
  • Entity Framework
  • SQL Server

Modern Bank Landing Page

A Modern UI/UX bank landing page application. The application is developed using React for the frontend and Tailwind CSS for design and layout.

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS


I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. From Back-end To Design

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node.js, ASP.Net Core MVC, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB

  • Development Tools

    Experience with
    Postman,GitHub, Git

About Me

I'm a motivated, curious web developer always eager to learn and improve. I embrace new technologies and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Collaborating effectively with fellow developers, designers, and professionals is second nature to me. Passionate about frontend and backend development, as well as database design and management, I'm seeking opportunities to apply my skills and make a meaningful impact.